The Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam is home to more than 20 million people – and medical treatment might be miles away.

Excerpt: Advanced stroke treatment in Southeast AsiaWhenever stroke occurs, time is brain. Read about where to find help in the vastness of the Mekong Delta.


Cuong Tran Chi, MD, works in Can Tho city, situated in the Mekong Delta on the very southern tip of Vietnam. He was instrumental in establishing Stroke International Services (SIS) General Hospital, dedicated to providing  patients with the best treatment currently available. Another focus is on training doctors who can then replicate the success of SIS throughout Southeast Asia and beyond. The Mekong is a vast river, and the Delta region in Vietnam’s south is home to more than 20 million people. “Before we established SIS, the closest place that could provide good treatment for stroke patients was in Ho Chi Minh City,” also known as Saigon, says Cuong. Often the result was that it took too long for stroke victims to reach these hospitals.

Since its opening in 2019, SIS Can Tho Hospital has provided access to modern medical services for more than 90,000 patients. In addition to focusing on stroke treatment and cardiovascular disease therapy, the center provides the first port of call for extensive care related to musculoskeletal surgery, congenital heart disorders, arrhythmias, and advanced health check-up services. “This is an incredible number,” says Cuong.

Cuong Tran Chi, MD, Director of Stroke International Services General Hospital, Can Tho city, Vietnam

Stroke International Services(SIS) General Hospital

This, says Cuong, would not have been possible without good partners. “To operate our stroke center requires substantial investment. Siemens Healthineers gave us very strong support.”

From the start, Cuong, his co-workers, and partners intended to leverage these capabilities to the maximum extent. “Naturally, SIS is there to meet patients’ needs. But we also planned from the start that it would operate as a training center in the field of neuroendovascular intervention and stroke treatment for Vietnam and Southeast Asia,” says the physician.

There are certain requirements in developing a good training center, he says: The first is people with experience and expertise. “We assembled a very good team, both from Ho Chi Minh City and from overseas,” he says. The second requirement is very good equipment, and at SIS we have that. Lastly, with the support of the Charity Foundation, we are able to treat many patients. “We have it all,” says Cuong.

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